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Research Projects

Centre for Robotics and Intelligent Systems of the School of Engineering | RuiPinheiro©

P.PORTO's R&D centres have taken the lead in either small, local projects or large, intercontinental projects, by joining strategic partnership networks capable of designing the future and of making dreams come true.

 P.PORTO heads large European H2020 projects, such as the 3P's, covering the area of nanomaterials and biosensors for cancer detection and resulting from one of the few Starting Grants awarded in Portugal by the European Research Council,or the P.SOCRATES project which deals in real-time critical systems for parallel computing It also heads large intercontinental projects such as the DREAM-GO, with the USA, a project on Smart Electrical Networks and one of the largest projects of the Marie Curie programme of the H2020; the GMOSensor, with Brazil and Argentina, on biosensors in the area of Food and Environment; VISIR+, another project with Brazil and Argentina, geared towards consolidating a Remote Lab network; or the EKRUCAmI, whith South Korea, on Intelligent Environments. P.PORTO also participates in large national projects such as the AAL4ALL, the anchor project of the Portuguese Health Cluster. These are just some of the projects in which P.PORTO takes the lead and participates with a view to solve Society's serious problems.

Projects to create the future


Sensor Research


Intercultural Studies Centre


Human Movement and Human Activity Studies Centre


Communication and Education Research Centre


Centre for Innovation in Engineering and Industrial Technology


Applied Language Studies Research Cell


Music psychology and Music Education Research Centre


Trusted Real-time Systems Research Centre


Centre for Robotics and Intelligent Systems


Engineering and Intelligent Computing for Innovation and Development Research Centre


Graphics Interaction Learning Technologies


Chemical Analysis Reaction Group


Centre for Research and Innovation in Education


Knowledge Management, Interactive and Learning Technologies Research Group

Combined Shape
