Entrada > Notícias > voiceLab
Publicado em: 26 Julho 2018


Workshop com Ute Wassermann. 12 de setembro, 14h30

A conceituada artista Ute Wassermann realiza, no próximo dia 12 de setembro, quarta-feira, 14h30-17h30, um workshop dedicado à voz: voiceLab.

O acesso é livre, limitado ao número de lugares disponível. As inscrições deverão ser efetuadas por mail para .


In this workshop based on exercises & games about breathing, resonance and articulation, the participants experience their voice as a versatile and extreme sound instrument
and develop their own catalog of unusual and experimental vocal expressions. Using various improvisational concepts in space we discover individual and personalized
voice characters. In addition, the participants will experience various methods of how to develop and present vocal pieces from solo to choral.

• Warmups for voices using resonance and breathing exercises
• Discovery and development of individual voice characters
• Various forms of developping pieces using concepts and free improvisation
• Performances from solo to choral

The workshop is open to singers, musicians, actors, and to all those who have a special interest in "voice".


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